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Notice By Seller--Liability Of Buyer For Uninsured Risk Of Loss


Date: [Date of notice]

To: [First Name of Person being notified] [Last Name of Person being notified]
[Address of person being notified]
[City of person being notified], [State of person being notified]
[Zip Code of person being notified]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Person being notified]

On receiving your notice of [Date of notice], that you had rejected and were returning the goods sent to you by the undersigned on [Date shipped] in performance of the agreement between you and the undersigned dated [Date of agreement], the undersigned notified the local representative of the [designated insurance carrier] to put a binder on the goods against loss from risk of [Description of risk] in the amount of $[Amount of premium] Dollars, payable to the undersigned.

The undersigned subsequently was advised that you had not obtained the required insurance. As the goods were conforming and your rejection was improper, the risk of loss shall remain on you by virtue of [Citation of local enactment of Uniform Commercial Code $$ 2-510.3 and 2-709.1] of [State].



This is a UCC Buying & Selling of Goods provision. It is designed to supplement UCC "Buy & Sell" forms found in this category.